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100% of GreenSky’s portfolio companies have successfully raised follow-on funding.


Distributed to paid-in capital
In aggregate, Funds I-III have already returned $2.12 for each $1.00 invested.


Annualized IRR
Portfolio companies are valued at the price per share at which they last raised capital. The IRR is net of fees.


Total value to paid in capital
Portfolio companies are valued at the price per share at which they last raised capital. The IRR is net of fees.

ALl values are as of March, 2024 and are net of management fees, expenses and carried interest. Unrealized valuations are based on price per share of company’s last investment round unless marked downward.

Results based on Funds I-III. Fund IV was deployed in 2023 and Fund V in 2024.

We are currently fundraising for Fund VI.